by Steve Gerlach | Apr 13, 2023 | Bids and tenders, Business development, Featured, Home page, Pitching and positioning
So, you’ve won the contract after a long and complicated tender process which has tied up your sales, operations and bidding teams, everyone has celebrated the hard-fought victory and your operations team has mobilised to site….now what? Two key rules of business are...
by Erina Hammersley | Nov 28, 2022 | Bid writing tips, Bids and tenders
The success of your tender not only comes down to your solution, but to the capability of your team to tell your story. In 2019, we conducted a major research program with evaluators from major projects across Australia. The purpose of our Behind Closed Doors...
by Erina Hammersley | Nov 17, 2022 | Bids and tenders, Featured, Home page, Pitching and positioning
A Go / No-Go checklist is an invaluable tool when deciding whether to pursue a tender opportunity. While it can be tempting to compete for as many as possible, winning tenders requires a brutally selective approach. Bidding isn’t a numbers game and the art of...
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